Monday, October 25, 2010

Response to Task Three Question

I think our education system for the most part overall is effective. Could it be better in certain areas? absolutely. I think for the student that attends most suburban schools or huge public schools, the education will be good and will prepare you for in college. That doesn't count the poor or inner city schools who struggle to get the books they need just to teach a certain class and cover certain material. You also have to take into consideration how teachers all teach differently and schools have different expectations and different agendas. It's very important for schools to keep up with the technology so we are familiar with it and understand. This will help us be able to come up with new technology faster if no one falls behind. I don't think we should add or take away any years of schooling. It's already predicted that the older we get it will take more years of schooling just to compete for a job. taking away schooling such as middle school for example can only hurt our education system. Everybody knows how there early teen years are the worst because of hormones and kids developing at different rates and figuring out who they are. At least I know how I was in junior high and I definitely needed those years to develop and get prepared for high school. But for the most part as far as I can see at least my education has been effective for me and no huge changes should be added to our education system.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Response to Where College fails us

My experiences for the most part have been good, although there are some classes that I will have to take that I will just need to ride out or survive which i'm not looking forward to. But for the most part I can tell right away how much knowledge I am gaining rather than if I didn't attend college. Some of the important reasons why i'm attending college is for one, I didn't really have a choice considering I was pressured by my parents, two, I want to be a pharmacist, and in order to do that I have to go through college. My last reason would be to be able to make enough money to provide for my future family and I think college is the most efficient way to do that. To be honest I really wont know if all this time, effort, and expences will pay off until after I have graduated and have seen where myself has ended up. But I think I wont have any worries and me attending college will be worth it in the long run.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Self evaluation for task two

My thesis for my paper is how my father still succeeded even though he had a knee injury during his football season and how his ideal path was a football player changed to being a choir teacher. the main points I make in the paper is my dad growing up without a father, how he was a high school football player, how his knee injury effected him, how he overcame his injury and turned to choir, his success and love for choir. Good advice I recieved from my peer was to not have so many run on sentences. The most important information I received in class was to have supporting details to support my thesis. I typed my draft the day after i wrote the interview responses on paper. I wrote three drafts with an outline that Ms. Chastain helped me with. In my paper I probably added an extra main point that I didn't need that made my paper longer. I'm most pleased with my detail and description of my events about this paper.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Response to Becoming Educated

My early thoughts on what college would be like are, the classes would be a lot harder and would have to put more effort in the class to get a good grade. Another thought was that the teacher's would cover a lot more material faster. Reality was, The classes are as hard as you make them to be, and yes, they do cover a lot more material in a shortened amount of time. Chemistry for example is kind of like Jordan's law school for me. I have to read a lot more than usual and I can't bull shit my way out of any discussion we talk about because the professor and other students would know more about the subject and force you to back up your answers.