Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Response to Becoming Educated

My early thoughts on what college would be like are, the classes would be a lot harder and would have to put more effort in the class to get a good grade. Another thought was that the teacher's would cover a lot more material faster. Reality was, The classes are as hard as you make them to be, and yes, they do cover a lot more material in a shortened amount of time. Chemistry for example is kind of like Jordan's law school for me. I have to read a lot more than usual and I can't bull shit my way out of any discussion we talk about because the professor and other students would know more about the subject and force you to back up your answers.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kirk,

    I like the example that you use about your chemistry course. For you how does this experience differ from HS? Why did you have the preconceptions about college? Many assume that the professors may be more lenient and in reality, we aren't. I think that it is important to think of college as a job. If this was your job and you were being paid, would you miss consistently, show up when you wanted or turned in late work? What would happen?

    Ms. C
