Monday, September 27, 2010

Interview Reflection

Interviewing my dad was a lot more fun and interesting than I thought it would be. I learned information about him I never knew and couldn't help but to crack a smile during his stories and experiences. I conducted my interview over the phone. The most thing I learned about my dad was that he was engaged first before he even met my mom and that he had to quit school for a couple years to raise my oldest brother while my mom was finishing up school. I intend to have a thesis and tell his story with my own words. My concern with my paper is if my thesis can make since and tie in with my story. To overcome this I plan to write my conclusion first so it will make writing my story easier.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kirk,

    I think that by writing your conclusion first, this may help you then begin the body of the paper and the introduction last. Try what we discussed in class yesterday: Reflect on the experiences or perspectives of your father in regard to education and then draw conclusions of your own. How has your experiences either been similar or different? What would you have done had you been in your dad's shoes?

    What are you concerned about with the thesis? I would recommend writing this last, because if you write it first, it may change (which is suitable). Once you focus on your body paragraphs, can you see what you have stated and examined what is most important.

    Ms. C
