Monday, September 27, 2010

Interview Reflection

Interviewing my dad was a lot more fun and interesting than I thought it would be. I learned information about him I never knew and couldn't help but to crack a smile during his stories and experiences. I conducted my interview over the phone. The most thing I learned about my dad was that he was engaged first before he even met my mom and that he had to quit school for a couple years to raise my oldest brother while my mom was finishing up school. I intend to have a thesis and tell his story with my own words. My concern with my paper is if my thesis can make since and tie in with my story. To overcome this I plan to write my conclusion first so it will make writing my story easier.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Respond to Task Two

My top person that I would like to interview is my father. I'm interested because he had interesting events and that changed his path drastically of what he wanted to do in college. He is unique to me because he is the only one out of his family that finished college. I would ask what made him choose the career he has, how long did it take for him to graduate, did he have any other degrees, who influenced him to make him choose that career. Putting a thesis and making the paper flow would be my problems that i fear the most. I anticipate interviewing my dad because I get to listen to his stories of his education experience. I have no questions.

Self Evaluation

What is the thesis for your paper? Answer: My thesis for my paper was who my role model was and his significance to me.

List the main points you make in your paper. Answer: A short Biography about my role model, some of the morals he lived by, what type of person he was and what i learned from him.

What was the most helpful advice you received from your peer evaluation? Answer: I didn't get a chance to have it peer edited.

What was the most helpful information you received in class for your paper? Answer: To make sure my main points backed up my thesis.

How many drafts of this paper do you think you wrote and how/when did you write them? For example, did you compose at the keyboard, did you write lots of notes to yourself, did you pre-write or outline, did you write in small chunks of time or sit down and produce an entire draft at one sitting? Answer: I wrote a total of 3 drafts and did no preparation because i knew enough about my topic.

What would you do differently with this paper to make it more effectively, or what did you try to do that you just don’t think you got a good handle on? Answer: i don't think i did a good enough job on giving good detail and elaborating on who Walter Payton was as a person.
What are most pleased with about this paper? Answer: showing how having a role model effected my life and my biography about him.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Reflection writing about How it Feels to be colored me

     It's hard to put labels on myself but, if i had to I would put an athlete as my main label considering the whole reason why I came to Missouri Western was play football besides getting an education. Another label I would put on my self is i guess a white boy. I am white and have been called that by my black friends. I can't really put anymore labels on myself because i don't lake to label people. There is no label or word to be able to describe who I am as a person or what I am into simply because there is so many.
     Hurston Mentions in the essay how sometimes her color sticks out in certain places or at certain events when she is with a white friend but, when she is back in the society around her she can't notice her color. I feel the same way in some circumstances. For example, if I were to go to a rap concert to see a famous rapper. My color would stick out because most rap comes from the african american race, therefore I would be surrounded by African americans and my "Whiteness would come out". Or it could be the other way around, such as, if an African American were to go to a Garth Brooks concert. It would be the same feeling for them as if I went to a rap concert.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Response Question to Rite of Passage

     My grandmother Loree was the greatest grandmother anyone could ever have. She had the biggest impact of my life out of all my grandparents. She was my fathers mother. My dad grew up with an older brother, sister and younger sister. my fathers dad was around to help raise him to say the least. He was an alcoholic and no one ever knew where he was when he was gone. So he put it up to my grandma to raise these four kids. And she did this and more. Working two jobs and double shifts around the little town of Spencer, Iowa, she managed to give her kids everything they needed and more while raising them to the best of her ability.
     From the moment my siblings and I were born, she was there being the best grandmother she could be. whether it be babysitting, changing dippers, telling us stories, making sure me and my brother weren't torturing our sister too much, or just being there general because she wanted to be a big part of our lives growing. And for that I will always cherish and hold close to my heart. One of the memories I have spending time with my grandma was on a weekend. My dad had drove me down to her house because I wanted to stay with her a couple of days. We did everything and anything I wanted. She spoiled me at the very least even though she couldn't afford it. My grandmother isn't with us anymore physically but I know she is watching very closely and is very proud of her favorite grand kids.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Respond to Ideas of Task One

The first ideas that come to mind when coming up for ideas for writing task one are the following:

  • My parents divorce
  • My role model growing up as a kid  
  • My twin brother and the effect he has on my life
  • My favorite vacation( Colorado)
  • My favorite dog i have ever had 
The reason why these ideas stick to me the most is because i remember them the most vividly, therefore, can elaborate the most on. Some of the problems I may encounter for this paper is peer editing and making sure all my drafts have all the corrections that need to be corrected before i turn the final copy in. The thing i anticipate the most for this assignment is just being able to go back on these and kind of relive them through my writing and being able to share that with other people.